



卡塔尔国的经济近年来以每年两位数的速度增长. 卡塔尔的首都多哈将成为2022年世界杯的主要主办城市, 需要大量的准备工作来提供和维护一流的高速公路网, 公用事业及相关服务. 

另外, the State of Qatar has developed Qatar National Vision 2030 which envisage continuous infrastructure upgrade to achieve a world class and state-of the-art and updated infrastructure to the fast-growing population of citizens and residents by executing complex engineering projects.

These factors have led to large number of projects and the complexity of the work involved have therefore placed unprecedented demand on the resources of the State’s Public Works Authority (Ashghal).

One such effort is the 多哈南部污水首页计划 (DSSIP) which was formerly known as Inner Doha Resewerage Implementation Strategy (IDRIS) program, 阿什哈尔开发的世界级解决方案, to upgrade and expand its sewerage infrastructure and to accommodate the projected population growth for the next 80 years.

雅各布斯担任DSSIP项目的项目管理和建设监督顾问, 包括升级和扩大多哈最古老的集水区的污水处理首页, 由于发展的规模和速度,哪些正在变得超负荷. A major tunneled interceptor scheme is replacing the existing shallow sewers and numerous pumping stations to meet the long-term needs of this growing area. 

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“多哈南部污水首页项目是我们在卡塔尔的第一个重点项目. 和阿什加尔的旅程很愉快, 推动创新,包括如何建造和运营深层污水处理系统. 如果没有阿什哈尔的远见和领导,这个项目是不可能实现的. 我们很自豪能成为这个项目的一部分.”

Amer Battikhi

雅各布斯增长 & 销售副总裁,欧洲,中东 & 非洲


多哈南部污水首页计划 (DSSIP) is 阿什哈尔开发的世界级解决方案 to upgrade and expand its sewerage infrastructure and to accommodate the projected population growth for the next 80 years.

The original DSSIP scheme comprises lateral interceptor sewers that will be used to intercept flows and to relieve the existing overloaded system and its numerous pumping stations. Flows will be channeled by gravity via the main trunk sewer and will travel over 45 kilometers south to the terminal pump station located at the downstream end of the tunnel, 然后转移到新的多哈南部污水处理厂. The sewage will be reclaimed as treated sewage effluent and returned to the Doha area with treated water suitable for irrigation purposes.

亚洲体育博彩平台, as the Program Management Consultant and the “Engineer” administers the interfaces between Ashghal and the various parties who are responsible for program delivery and provides general program oversight.

阿什哈尔任命雅各布斯管理整个项目, 从成立到移交, 并确保项目达到预期的健康和安全目标, 质量, 达到成本和进度要求.



  1. 主要污水干渠隧道, 45公里重力式主干渠,内径3 - 4.5米,它将把多哈南部的一些地区与污水管网连接起来. 深干渠也由26个深竖井组成. The main trunk sewer will convey the sewage flows to the existing Doha South Treatment Works through a deep pumping station As a result, it’ll reduce the environmental impacts through the full control of odors in sewage treatment works and conveying system, and reduce other environmental problems arising from sewage overflow due to excess hydraulic pressure on the existing drainage network, 哪里的污水流量超过了它的容量.
  2. 侧向截流器利用250多个竖井,将70公里长的微隧道管道排进下水道 , 将从多哈中心地区输送流量, Wakra-Wukair和Mesaieed到下水道主干道.)
  3. Terminal pumping station at New Doha South Sewage Treatment Works (STW) – comprising one of the largest and deepest sewage pumping stations in the world.
  4. 处理过的污水排放泵站.
  5. TSE回电干线.
  6. 新多哈南贸易协定, 拥有最先进的处理技术,初始处理能力为500台,000立方米/天,最终建设能力100万立方米/天.


  • Use of integrated segment lining that combines the application of the corrosion protection lining and segmental lining. This approach saves time and completely eliminates the need for a cast-in-place secondary tunnel lining construction operation.
  • 使用立式下沉机, 这是该地区的第一次, 在挤塞地区兴建深竖井,尽量减少对公众的干扰.
  • Use of advanced earth pressure balancing TBMs considering the complex geology and highly constrained schedules.


深污水干渠隧道,即DSSIP污水干渠MTS-01工程,获认可为 《亚洲体育博彩平台》的 2019年水/废水类全球最佳项目. MTS-01也是该地区实现的第一个项目 CEEQUAL设计和建造良好评级认证. 也, CEEQUAL将杰出成就奖颁发给DSSIP MTS的水环境和资源类别.

DSSIP和Ashghal已经连续两届获得了来自 英国皇家事故预防学会 (报道). The award acknowledges the program’s outstanding occupational health and safety performance during 2017 and 2018, 在整个项目团队中建立强大的健康和安全文化, 有效的风险管理实践和良好的健康和安全记录.

神谕也授予阿什哈尔 公共首页全企业标准化建设与工程优秀奖 使用数字化工程提高流程效率, DSSIP中的资源利用和记录管理.

多哈南部污水处理首页规划是该地区具有里程碑意义的规划, 它的影响远远超出了项目本身. DSSIP的一个重要特点是可以灵活地与未来的首页项目联系起来, 当全部完成时, it’ll enable the decommissioning of more than 30 old pumping stations currently located in the residential and commercial areas in the south of Doha.



《亚洲体育博彩平台》: 水务/污水年度最佳项目:DSSIP污水干渠MTS-01项目

水技术: 多哈内部蓄水池实施战略(IDRIS),多哈

《亚洲体育博彩平台》: ENR宣布2019年全球最佳项目获奖者

英国皇家事故预防学会: 2019年金奖

英国皇家事故预防学会: 2018年金奖

CEEQUAL: 2019杰出成就奖

Oracle: Oracle卓越奖-建筑和工程